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The Even Yearbook 1994

ELTE SEAS Working Papers in Linguistics

Huba Bartos When OTT meets LLF: Multiple Wh-questions and Optimality Theory 1--19
[ gzipped postscript / pdf ]
András Cser Relational and nonrelational aspects of English stress 21--26
[ gzipped postscript / pdf ]
Judit Farkas Scandinavian influence in English? On the Basis of Beowulf and Cursor Mundi 27--35
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Veronika Kniezsa The Old English Rhyming Poem: Dialect reconstruction and metrical type 37--48
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Lajos Marosán Adjective or noun? 49--55
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Ádám Nádasdy Partially-stressed syllables and "unstable" /I/ in English 57--86
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Mark Newson Negation, double negation and Optimality Theory 87--136
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Andrea Ágnes Reményi Know thyself: Basic addressing patterns at the English Linguistics Department 137--146
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M. Trevor Shanklin The communication of grammatical proficiency 147--174
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Péter Siptár The vowel inventory of Hungarian: Its size and structure 175--184
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Péter Szigetvári Coronality, velarity and why they are special 185--224
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Miklós Törkenczy Coronal underspecification and the *CCiVCi constraint 225--232
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László Varga Rhythmic stress alternation in Hungarian 233--254
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edited by <peter.szigetvari@elte.hu>
contents last touched Sun Dec 10 10:16:23 CET 2006