3rd Budapest Linguistics Conference

Budapest, 6–8 June 2019

Information for speakers

Talks will be 30 minutes long with 10 minutes question time. Facilities for projected presentations will be available. If you wish to make use of these, please bring your presentation in either PowerPoint or Pdf format on a flash drive. We also encourage presenters to bring along handouts. We cannot predict the number of people who will attend any particular talk,  but suggest you prepare about 25 copies. Should the need arise, we will be able to make extra copies in time for your talk.

Submission Procedure

When submitting your abstract to BLINC 3, please note the following requirements:
  1. Abstracts should be at most one (A4 or letter) page long, including data, tables and references, single spaced and in a font no smaller than 11 pts.
  2. Abstract should be submitted in PDF format only.
  3. Your abstract should be anonymous, so please avoid including information by which you can be identified (don't include your name in the name of the file!).
  4. You may submit abstracts for at most two papers, but at most one of these can be single authored.
  5. All abstracts must be submitted through BLINC 2's EasyChair site. If you are not already familiar with EasyChair, the following instructions should help:

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