Budapest Linguistics
Budapest, 6–8 June 2019
Information For Presenters
- Talks will be 30 minutes long with a 10 minute question
period following.
- There are facilities for slide show projection, but we
encourage all speakers to prepare handouts in addition to the slides to
distribute to the audience:
- Slides:
It would be preferable to save your slides in either ppt or pdf formats
onto a portable device to use on the machines provided (Windows -
sorry, we don't have Macs). Please give your device to the assistant in
the room before the session in which your talk is scheduled, so that
they can upload it to the machine and check it. You can bring your own
machine if you want to, though as we have no experience with other
operating systems, we may not be able to solve compatibility issues
with the projector.
- Handouts:
We suggest bringing 15-20 copies of your handout. We have limited
photocopy/printing facilites, but we can provide extra copies of your
handout if needed. You can bring a pdf version on a portable device or
send it to us by email beforehand.
- The language of the conference is English, and so data from
other languages should be glossed and translated on slides and handouts.
- Posters should be A1 size and portrait orientation.
- The font size should large enough to be read at a distance
of 1.-2 metres.
- You should avoid lengthy texts and stick to headings and
bullet points where possible.
- Data from languages other than English should be glossed
and translated.
- Posters will be mounted on display boards before the first
talk of the day your poster is scheduled for and be taken down after
the last talk of the day.
- You should be present during the poster session of that day
to present and discuss your poster with audience members. You can also
be present during breaks if you want.
For further information contact Mark Newson at newson DOT mark AT btk DOT
elte DOT hu