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 Post subject:
PostPosted: 2007. September 9, Sunday, 19:44 

Joined: 2007. September 9, Sunday, 18:13
Posts: 2367
Vy se máte, pivo si dáte! :lol:

A hozzászólás tartalma magánvélemény, semmilyen közösségnek vagy intézménynek, legfőképpen pedig a hozzászóló munkahelyének hivatalos álláspontját nem tükrözi. (BIJE)

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 2007. July 31, Tuesday, 1:12 

Joined: 2006. January 5, Thursday, 21:17
Posts: 90
Location: budapest
képeslap brno-ból
szívélyes üdvözletünket küldjük brno-ból. a mellékelt képen épp john harrisszel tanakodunk azon, hogyan kell levezetni a narancsból mint underlying formból a narancslevet, vmint régi kedves wichmann-beli élményeiről számol be nekünk.
az idő kellemes, wish you were here,
mi, a képről

- i'm saying things and then hating myself for saying them. how did you get past that?
- didn't.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 2007. May 25, Friday, 6:32 

Joined: 2006. October 15, Sunday, 11:22
Posts: 198
Location: Tura-Budapest
Ha esetleg valaki (bár valszeg a lőtéri kutyát sem érdekli) szóval valaki észrevette, hogy "jééé eddig 17 jelentkező volt, most már csak 16" akkor annak elmondom, hogy azért iratkoztam le, mert sajna nem tudok eccerre két helyen lenni, és emiatt nekem a legrosszabb... :(

 Post subject: Re: Central European Summer School in Generative Grammar
PostPosted: 2007. May 4, Friday, 12:00 

Joined: 2005. February 16, Wednesday, 19:35
Posts: 80
erik.svoboda wrote:
Theresa Biberauer (Cambridge) - t.b.a.

Olaf Koeneman (Meertens) - t.b.a.

Already announced:

Olaf Koeneman (Meertens) Syntactic doubling in wh-chains
Olaf Koeneman (Meertens) Verb movement as a structure-creating operation
Theresa Biberauer (Cambridge) All you wanted to know about null subjects and the null-subject parameter
Theresa Biberauer (Cambridge) Word-order variation, optionality and gaps

 Post subject: Central European Summer School in Generative Grammar
PostPosted: 2007. May 4, Friday, 11:50 

Joined: 2006. December 23, Saturday, 19:22
Posts: 859
We are pleased to announce this year's Central European Summer School in Generative Grammar, to be held in:

Brno, Czech Republic

>from July 30th - August 10th

Registration is taking place from May 3rd until May 16th at:

http://egg.auf.net <http://egg.auf.net/>

where more detailed information is available.

The egg focuses on generative grammar. Teachers are both senior established figures in the field and young promising researchers at the forefront of today's research (they are all coming to teach for free (and for fun)).

The school is free (there is no tuition fee), and dorm beds will be less than 5 Euros per night. Students from former communist countries in Central and Eastern Europe can apply for financial support (covering travel, visa and/or accommodation expenses).

There will be two types of classes: introductory classes and research classes. The list of courses and teachers is appended below.

Intro classes:

Michal Starke (Tromso) - Introduction to Syntax

Hedde Zeijlstra (University of Amsterdam) - Introduction to Semantics

Uli Sauerland (ZAS) - Introduction to Pragmatics

Andrew Ira Nevins (Harvard) - How Underlying Representations are Derived from Surface Forms

John Harris (UCL) - Introduction to syllable typology

Topical Classes:

Andrew Ira Nevins (Harvard) - How Case is Built and Spelled-Out

Maire Noonan (Mcgill) - All you wanted to know about the properties of verb-initial languages

Maire Noonan (Mcgill) - The structure of PP

Elena Herburger (Georgetown) - All you wanted to know about Negation and Negative Polarity

Elena Herburger (Georgetown) - Issues in the semantics of conditionals

Hedde Zeijlstra (University Of Amsterdam) - The meaning of being meaningless

Uli Sauerland (ZAS) - Semantics of Embedded Clauses

Ben Hermans (Meertens) - The too-many-repairs problem of OT: presentation and solutions on the market

Ben Hermans (Meertens) - The too-many-repairs problem of OT in a representational perspective

Bruce Moren (Tromso) - Minimalist/Substance-Free Phonological Feature Theory: Why and How

Bruce Moren (Tromso) - Minimalist/Substance-Free Phonological Feature Theory: Case Studies and Implications

John Harris (UCL) - Information flow in phonology

Theresa Biberauer (Cambridge) - t.b.a.

Olaf Koeneman (Meertens) - t.b.a.

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