Thursday 1 June
Session 1
356 |
Session 2
315a |
9.00 |
Natalia Jardon |
configurations in Eonavian Spanish: how to be perfect without a perfect tense |
Judit Farkas |
9.45 |
Víctor Lara |
intransitivity or split ergativity? Tendencies of western Peninsular Spanish |
Keresztes Júlia |
10.25 |
11.00 |
Ekaterina Georgieva |
Mojmír Dočekal and Marcin Wągiel |
Various strategies of multiplication:
Differentials in equatives and comparatives |
11.45 |
Éva Dékány and
Orsolya Tánczos |
Elena Rudnitskaya and Seokyoung Hwang |
The syntactic analysis of Korean serial verb
constructions compared to Turkic languages |
12.30 |
13.50 |
János Kenyeres, director of the school of English and American Studies, welcoming speech |
14.00 |
Plenary: Michal Starke - More on the fine structure of case |
15.15 |
Balázs Surányi and Gergő Turi |
Tamás Eitler |
15.55 |
16.30 |
Ludmila Veselovská |
Let's make one thing clear - we still do not know if partial control exists |
Friday 2 June
Session 1 356 |
Session 2 315a |
9.00 |
Katalin Balogne Berces and Bálint Huszthy |
The “real” and
“relative” typology of binary laryngeal systems |
László Drienkó |
9.45 |
Péter Rebrus, Péter Szigetvári and Miklós
Törkenczy |
Zhao-Ming Gao and Hong-Min Zhu |
A Corpus-based
Computational Approach to Sense Clustering in Chinese |
10.25 |
11.00 |
Joseph Emonds |
Anna Szeteli and Gabor Alberti |
Veronika Hegedus |
Olga Kagan |
12.30 |
14.00 |
Plenary: Anikó Lipták - Identifying identity conditions in and outside ellipsis: a case study of Hungarian |
15.15 |
Abdelkader Fassi Fehri |
Tamas Biro |
15.55 |
16.30 |
Manuela Ambar |
How much discourse
is there in the licensing of subjunctive? A cross linguistic puzzle. |
Gabor Alberti |
The Hungarian
Contrastive VP-focus and Mirror-Focus Constructions |
Saturday 3 June
Session 1 356 |
Session 2 315a |
9.00 |
Halm |
The role of the Funtional Heads in Hungarian PP Recursion Free |
9.45 |
Rákosi |
Čakányová |
10.25 |
11.00 |
Šarić |
DP hypothesis in Russian and Serbo-Croatian:
evidence from arguments of nouns |
Nedzad Leko, Nermina Cordalija and Ivana
Jovovic |
11.45 |
Symkovych Oksana |
Mojmír Dočekal and Jakub Dotlacil |