Language Log beszámol arról, hogy a
HeiDeas nevű blogger nyelvészetileg érdekes Simpsons vicceket közöl a blogján (bár a vicc szerintem túlzás, mondjuk, hogy mókásak).
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Language coincidence egy marslakóval:
The Simpsons are abducted and Kang is addressing them for the first time. Marge says, “You speak English!” Kang says, (something like) “Actually, I’m speaking Rigelian, but by an amazing coincidence, the two languages are exactly the same.”
Later in the episode, Marge is trying to thank Kang (or some alien) and says, “Thank you, Mr. ...??” Kang says something like, “In order for you to pronounce it properly, I would have to rip out your tongue”