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PostPosted: 2007. March 3, Saturday, 9:18 

Joined: 2007. January 10, Wednesday, 0:41
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Hát, ha jól nézem mégsem olyan "elhanyagolt terület" a "színlingvisztika" :!: :!: :wink: :wink: :wink:

Nos, ehhez képest nagyságrendekkel szerényebb (volt) az én elképzelésem, de egy emberhez képest meg pár nagyságrenddel talán nagyobb. :(
De ezek szerint nemigen jutott el ez a dolog a magyar nyelvészeti érdeklődés centrumába, egyrészt nem láttam ilyen irodalmakat, és valószínűleg azért nem, mert a magyar nyelvészet még nem tart rá igényt. A téma kissé perifériás volta miatt sztem érthető is. (ergo: nemigen vállakoznak rá, hogy ilyen szakirodalmakat fordítsanak magyarra, vagy hozzanak be könyvtári anyagba ... persze lehet h még csak eddig én nem vettem észre őket)

"Le a 'LY'-vel, é'jj'en a 'J'!"

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 2007. March 3, Saturday, 8:30 

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Hogy a vállalkozás méretét érzékeltessem, egy kis válogatás R. E. MacLaury 'Social and cognitive motivations of change: measuring variability in color semantics' (Language 67/1, 34-62.) c. írásának bibliográfiájából:

BAINES, JOHN. 1985. Color terminology and color classifcation: Ancient Egyptian color
terminology and polychromy. American Anthropologist 87.282-97.
BERLIN, BRENT. 1972. Speculations of the growth of ethnobotanical nomenclature. Lan
guage in Society 1.51-86.
-, and ELOIs A. BERLIN. 1975. Aguaruna color categories. American Ethnologist 2.61-87.
-; DENNIS E. BREEDLOVE; and PETER H. RAVEN. 1974. Principles of Tzeltal plant classification. New York: Academic Press.
, and PAUL KAY. 1969. Basic color terms: Their universality and evolution. Berkeley & Los Angeles: University of California Press.
-; PAUL KAY; and WILLIAM R. MERRIFIELD. 1985.. Color term evolution: Recent evidence. Paper presented at the 84th Annual--Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Washington, D.C.
BOLTON, RALPH. 1978a. Black, white, and red all over: The riddle of color term salience. Ethnology 17.287-311.
. 1978b. Salience of color terms in the dreams of Peruvian mestizos and Qolla Indians. Journal of Social Psychology 105.299-300.
-; ANNE T. CURTIS; and LYNN L. THOMAS. 1980. Nepali color terms: Salience an a listing task. Journal of the Steward Anthropological Society 12.309-22.
BOYNTON, ROBERT M. 1979 Human color vision. New York: Holt.
-. 1990. Annotated visual science papers, vol. 2: Experiments an color, University of California, San Diego. Del Mar, CA: Private publication by R. M. Boynton an the occasion of his retirement.
ROBERT E. MACLAURY; and KEIJI UCHIKAWA. 1989. Centroids of color categories compared by two methods. Color Research and Application 14.6-15.
BURGESS, DONALD; WILLETT KEMPTON; and ROBERT E. MACLAURY. 1983. Tarahumara color modifiers: Category structure presaging evolutionary change. American Ethnologist 10.133-49.
CAIRO, JAMES E. 1977. The neurophysiological basis of color terms. Binghamton, NY: SUNY Dissertation.
CRAWFORD, T. D. 1982. Defining 'basic color term'. Anthropological Linguistics 24(3).338-43.
COLLIER, GEORGE A. 1966. Categorias de color en Zinacantan. Los Zinacantecos, ed. by Evon Z. Vogt, 414-32. Mexico, D. F.: Instituto Nacional Indigenista. , et al. 1976. Further evidence for universal color categories. Lg. 52.884-90.
D'ANDRADE, R., and M. EGAN. 1974. The colors of emotion. American Ethnologist 1.4963.
DE VALOIS, RUSSELL L., and KAREN K. DE VALOIS. 1975. Neural coding of color. Handbook of perception, vol. 5, Seeing, ed. by E. C. Carterette and M. P. Friedman, 119-66. New York: Academic Press.
DOUGHERTY, JANET W. DIXON. 1975. A universalist analysis of variation and change in color semantics. Berkeley: University of California dissertation.
-. 1977. Color categorization in West Futunese: Variability and change. Sociocultural dimensions of language change, ed. by B. G. Blount and M. Sanches, 10318. New York: Academic Press.
. 1978. Salience and relativity in classification. American Ethnologist 5.66-80.
FRIEDL, ERIKA. 1979. Colors and culture change in southwest Iran. Language in Society 8.51-68.
GREENFELD, PHILIP J. 1986. What is grey, brown, and sometimes purple: the range of
`wild card' color terms. American Anthropologist 88.908-16.
HAGE, PER, and KRISTEN HAWKES. 1975. Binumarien color categories. Ethnology
HEINRICH, ALBERT C. 1974. Color classification of some Central Canadian Eskimos. Arctic Anthropology 11.68-72.
HURVICH, LEO M. 1981. Color vision. Sunderland, MA: Sinauer.
JERNUDD, BJÖRN H., and GEOFFREY M. WHITE. 1983. The concept of basic color terms:
Variability in For and Arabic. Anthropological Linguistics 25(1).61-81.
JOHNSON, ALLEN; ORNA JOHNSON; and MICHAEL BAKSH. 1986. The colors of emotions
in Machiguenga. American Anthropologist 88.674-81.
KAY, PAUL. 1975. Synchronic variability and diachronic change in basic color terms.
Language in Society 4.257-70.
BRENT BERLIN; and WILLIAM R. MERRIFIELD. 1991. Biocultural implications of systems of color naming. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology 1, to appear. , and CHAD-K. McDANIEL. 1978. The linguistic significance of basic color terms. Lg. 54.610-46.
LENNEBERG, ERIC H., and JOHN M. ROBERTS. 1956. The language of experience: A study in methodology. Indiana University Publications in Anthropology and Linguistics, Memoir 13, supplement to the International Journal of American Linguistics 22.2. Baltimore: Waverly Press.
MACLAURY, ROBERT E. 1986. Color in Mesoamerica, vol. I: A theory of composite categorization. Berkeley: University of California Dissertation. UMI 8718073. . 1987a. Color-category evolution and Shuswap yellow-with-green. American Anthropologist 89.107-24.
. 1987b. Coextensive semantic ranges: Different names for distinct vantages of one category. Chicago Linguistic Society 23.268-82. . 1992. Color in Mesoamerica: Viewpoint and category change. Austin: University of Texas Press, to appear.
-; MARGOT MCMILLEN; and STANLEY MCMILLEN. 1979. Uspantec color categories: An experiment with field methods. Paper presented at the Annual Mayan Workshop 4, Palenque, Mexico.
MEDIN, DOUGLAS L., and EDWARD E. SMITH. 1984. Concepts and concept formation. Annual Review of Psychology 35.113-38.
MERRIFIELD, WILLIAM R. 1971. Review of Berlin & Kay 1969. Journal of Linguistics 7.259-68.
MERVIS, CAROLYN B., and ELEANOR RÖSCH. 1981. Categorization of natural objects. Annual Review of Psychology 32.89-115.
POLLNAC, RICHARD B. 1975. Intra-cultural variability in the structure of the subjective color lexicon in Buganda. American Ethnologist 2.89-110.
PENNY BOYES-BRAEM. 1976. Basic objects in natural categories. Cognitive Psychology 8.382-439.
TAYLOR, JOHN R. 1989. Linguistic categorization: Prototypes in linguistic theory. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
THOMAS, LYNN L.; ANNE T. CURTIS; and RALPH BOLTON. 1978. Sex differences in elicited
color lexicon size. Perceptual and Motor Skills 47.77-78.
WRIGHT, M. J.; R. J. BURNS; G. M. GEFFEN; and L. B. GEFFEN. 1990. Covert orientation of visual attention in Parkinson's disease: An impairment in the maintenance of attention. Neuropsychologia 28.151-9.

(Az esetleges hibákért elnézést.)

És azóta eltelt 16 év!

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 2007. March 2, Friday, 22:06 

Joined: 2007. January 10, Wednesday, 0:41
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Nyílvánvaló, éppen ez a gubanc!

valahogy át kéne nyálazni ... :? :? :? :!:

"Le a 'LY'-vel, é'jj'en a 'J'!"

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 2007. March 2, Friday, 21:29 

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Brain Storming wrote:
Hát, ezér kellene megírni egy saját változatot. :!: :wink: :wink: :wink:

Igen, de az előolvasás nélküli írás elég nagy pofáraesésekhez vezethet :)

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 2007. March 2, Friday, 21:21 

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Hát, ezér kellene megírni egy saját változatot. :!: :wink: :wink: :wink:

"Le a 'LY'-vel, é'jj'en a 'J'!"

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 2007. March 2, Friday, 19:45 

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Brain Storming wrote:
EUR 95.00 / USD 114.00 ..... Hát, azért jó lett volna belekukkantani! :? :? :?

Érdemes esetleg körülnézni, hogy nem jelent-e meg paperback-ben, ill. hogy egyes részei nem tölthetőek-e le külön. Sajnos a hardcoverek általában kifizethetetlenek :?

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 2007. March 2, Friday, 18:37 

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EUR 95.00 / USD 114.00 ..... Hát, azért jó lett volna belekukkantani! :? :? :?

"Le a 'LY'-vel, é'jj'en a 'J'!"

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 2007. March 2, Friday, 16:05 

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PostPosted: 2007. March 1, Thursday, 1:05 

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Ezen az oldalon:
ez olvasható (meg a többi színről is):
What Colors Mean
We live in a colorful world. In many countries, colors represent various holidays; they are also used to express feelings and enliven language. Find your favorite color and see what it means around the world.

For the ancient Romans, a red flag was a signal for battle.

Because of its visibility, stop signs, stoplights, brake lights, and fire equipment are all painted red.

The ancient Egyptians considered themselves a red race and painted their bodies with red dye for emphasis.

In Russia, red means beautiful. The Bolsheviks used a red flag as their symbol when they overthrew the tsar in 1917. That is how red became the color of communism.

In India, red is the symbol for a soldier.

In South Africa, red is the color of mourning.

It's considered good luck to tie a red bow on a new car.

In China, red is the color of good luck and is used as a holiday and wedding color. Chinese babies are given their names at a red-egg ceremony.

Superstitious people think red frightens the devil.

A “red-letter day” is one of special importance and good fortune.

In Greece, eggs are dyed red for good luck at Easter time.

To “paint the town red” is to celebrate.

Red is the color most commonly found in national flags.

In the English War of the Roses, red was the color of the House of Lancaster, which defeated the House of York, symbolized by the color white.

The “Redshirts” were the soldiers of the Italian leader Garibaldi, who unified modern Italy in the nineteenth century.

To “see red” is to be angry.

A “red herring” is a distraction, something that takes attention away from the real issue.

A “red eye” is an overnight airplane flight.

If a business is “in the red,” it is losing money.

persze itt a jelentést adják meg (ez a szótárakban is szerepel), etimológia nincs, pedig az lenne az érdekes.

"Le a 'LY'-vel, é'jj'en a 'J'!"

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 2007. February 24, Saturday, 19:49 

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prezzey wrote:
Eleanor Rosch, Paul Kay... :?:

Ők a hibásak mindenért, ők kezdték :D

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 2007. February 24, Saturday, 19:39 

Joined: 2004. November 15, Monday, 15:46
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Eleanor Rosch, Paul Kay... :?:

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 2007. February 18, Sunday, 16:46 

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angol szín név etimológia

"Le a 'LY'-vel, é'jj'en a 'J'!"

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 2007. February 18, Sunday, 16:43 

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ez is érdekes

Color Tree Translations - http://isodomos.com/ColorTree/Translation

ugyanott - de ezek még mindig csak szín nevek. :?

"Le a 'LY'-vel, é'jj'en a 'J'!"

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 2007. February 18, Sunday, 16:41 

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Sajnos nemigen igazodtam el hirtelen rajta, de beírtam azt h: Colors in different languages, és kaptan egy iet:
http://toni.technetium.be/source/color. ... anguage=en

de ezen meg csak a színek elnevezései vannak.

"Le a 'LY'-vel, é'jj'en a 'J'!"

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 2007. February 18, Sunday, 13:36 

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Köszi, nézem! :!:

"Le a 'LY'-vel, é'jj'en a 'J'!"

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