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 Post subject: Re: Salish(an) igék
PostPosted: 2010. January 6, Wednesday, 6:42 

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 Post subject: Re: Salish(an) igék
PostPosted: 2010. January 6, Wednesday, 0:14 

Joined: 2009. September 21, Monday, 2:16
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Kedves tebe,

talán segít így hirtelen (a lista nem a reduplikált igékhez készült, de jobbára szalis téma, olykor nem ideillő, de bocs):

http://lotos.library.uu.nl/publish/arti ... okpart.pdf
http://people.umass.edu/scable/PNWSemin ... g-List.pdf
http://www-personal.umich.edu/~thomason ... salish.pdf
www.sfu.ca/~gerdts/papers/Gerdts&Hinkso ... ffixes.pdf

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\bibitem{Beck DJ 1997} {\sc Beck}, David. 1997. Theme, Rheme, and Communicative Structure in Lushootseed and Bella Coola. In Leo Wanner (ed.), Recent trends in Meaning-Text Theory, 93–135. Amsterdam (: Benjamins)
\bibitem{Beck DJ 1995} {\sc Beck}, D.J. 1995 {\sf A comparative conceptual grammar of Bella Coola and Lushootseed.} M.A. thesis, University of Victoria.
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\bibitem{Carlson 1976} Carlson, Barry F. 1976 ‘The n shift in Spokane Salish' \emph{IJAL} 42(2)\,133--139%
\bibitem{Czakowska-Higgins--Kinkade 1998} Czaykowska-Higgins, Ewa \& M. Dale Kindade, M.D. (eds.) 1998 \emph{Salish Languages and Linguistics. Theoretical and Descriptive Perspectives.} ... (: Mouton De Gruyter)%
\bibitem{Demirdache--et al 1994} Demirdache, H., Gardiner, D., Jacobs, P., \& Matthewson, L. 1994 ‘The Case for D-Quantification in Salish: ‘All' in St'at'imcets, Squamish, Secwepemctsín' pp.145--203 in: \emph{Papers for the 29th Conference on Salish and Neighbouring Languages.} Pablo (: Salish Kootenai College)
\bibitem{Frachtenberg 1992} Frachtenberg, Leo J. (1922). Coos: An illustrative sketch. In Handbook of American Indian languages (Vol. 2, pp. 297-299, 305). Bulletin, 40, pt. 2. Washington (:Government Print Office (Smithsonian Institution, Bureau of American Ethnology))
\bibitem{Gardiner 1998} Gardiner, Dwight G. (1998) “Topic and Focus in Shuswap (Secwepemctsin).” In E. Czaykowska-Higgins \& M.D. Kinkade (eds) Salish Languages and Linguistics: Theoretical and Descriptive Perspectives. Mouton. Berlin.
\bibitem{Hess 1976} {\sc Hess}, Thomas M. 1976. \emph{Dictionary of Puget Salish.} Seattle (: U of Washington)%
\bibitem{Hess 1993a} {\sc Hess}, Thomas M. 1993a. \emph{Dictionary of Puget Salish.} Seattle (: University of Washington Press)%
\bibitem{Hess 1993b} {\sc Hess}, Thomas M. 1993b. A schema for the presentation of Lushootseed verb stems. In A. Mattina \& T. Montler (Eds.), American Indian linguistics and ethnography in honor of Laurence C. {\sc Thompson}, (113 Đ 126). Missoula, MT: University of Montana.
\bibitem{Hess 1993b} {\sc Hess}, Thomas M. 1993b \emph{Lushootseed Reader with Introductory Grammar: Vol. I -- Four Stories from Edward Sam.} revised edition. Victoria (: Tulalip)%
\bibitem{Hess--Hilbert 1976 } {\sc Hess}, T.M., \& Hilbert, V. 1976 \emph{Lushootseed: An introduction, Books 1 and 2.} University of Washington (: American Indian Studies)
\bibitem{Howe 1996} Howe, Darin 1996. ‘Lenition and glottalization in Nuuchahnulth' Paper presented at the 31st International Conference on Salish and Neighboring Languages, University of British Columbia, Vancouver.
\bibitem{Hukari 1976} Hukari, Thomas E. 1976. ‘Person in a Coast Salish language' \emph{IJAL} 42(4):\,305--318%
\bibitem{Jelinek 1995} Jelinek, Eloise 1995. ‘Quanti\-fication in Straits Salish' pp.487--540 in: E. Bach, E. Jelinek, A. Kratzer, and B.H. Partee, (eds.) Quantifi\-cation in Natural Languages, Dordrecht (: Kluwer)%
\bibitem{Kinkade 1964} {\sc Kinkade}, M. Dale 1964. ‘Phonology and Morphology of Upper Chehalis IV.' \emph{IJAL} 30:\,251-60%\emph{IJAL} 30:\,251--60%.
\bibitem{Kinkade 1976} {\sc Kinkade}, M. Dale 1976. ‘The copula and negatives in Inland Olympic Salish' \emph{IJAL} 42(1):\,17--23%
\bibitem{Kinkade 1983} {\sc Kinkade}, M. Dale 1983. ‘Salish Evidence Against the Universality of «Noun» and «Verb»{}' \emph{ Lingua} 60:\,25-40%
\bibitem{Kinkade 1990} {\sc Kinkade}, M. Dale 1990. ‘Sorting Out Third Persons in Salish Discourse' \emph{IJAL} 56:\,341-60%
\bibitem{Kinkade 1991} {\sc Kinkade}, M. Dale 1991. ‘Prehistory of the native languages of the Northwest Coast' pp.137--158 in: Proceedings of the Great Ocean Conferences, vol. 1. The North Pacific to 1600. Portland (: Oregon Historical Society Press)
\bibitem{Kinkade--et al 1998} {\sc Kinkade}, M. Dale, Elmendorf, W.W., Rigsby, B. \& Aoki, H. ‘«Languages» in Plateau' pp.49--72 in: Vol 12 of Handbook of North American Indians, edited by Deward E. Walker. William C. Sturtevant, general editor. Washington, DC. (: Smithonian Institution)%
\bibitem{Koch 2003} Koch, Karsten (2003) “Transitive Word Order in Nlhe7kepmxcin (Thompson River Salish).” In Kiyota, M., J. {\sc Thompson}, \& N. Yamane-Tanaka (eds) University of British Columbia Working Papers in Linguistics 18: Papers for the 41st International Conference on Salish and Neighbouring Languages
\bibitem{Kroeber PD 1991} Kroeber, Paul D. 1991. {\sf Comparative Syntax of Subordination in Salish.} Ph.D. dissertation, University of Chicago%.
\bibitem{Kroeber PD 1999} Kroeber, Paul D. 1999. \emph{The Salish Language Family. Reconstructing Syntax.} (: University of Nebraska Press)
\bibitem{Kuipers 1967} Kuipers, Aert H. 1967. \emph{The Squamish Language: Grammar, Texts, Dictionary.} The Hague: Mouton.
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\bibitem{Newman S 1977} Newman, Stanley 1977. ‘The Salish independent pronoun system' \emph{IJAL} 43(4):\,302--314%
\bibitem{Suttles W 1987} Suttles, Wayne 1987. ‘Northwest Coast linguistic history, a view from the coast' ... in: Suttles, Wayne, Coast Salish Essays. Vancouver (: Talonbooks)%, 1987.
\bibitem{Suttles W--Elmendorf 1963} Suttles, Wayne \& Elmendorf, William W. 1963 ‘Linguistic Evidence for Salish Prehistory' ... in: Proceedings of the 1962 Annual Spring Meeting of the American Ethnological Society, edited by Garfield, Viola E. and Wallace L. Chafe. Seattle%
\bibitem{Thompson 1979} {\sc Thompson}, Laurence C. 1979 ‘Salishan and the Northwest' pp.692--765 in: L. Campbell \& M. Mithun (eds.), The Languages of Native America. Austin, Texas
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\bibitem{Thompson LC 1979} {\sc Thompson}, Laurence C. 1979 ‘Salishan and the Northwest' pp.692--765 in: The Languages of Native North America: Historical and Comparative Assessment edited by Campbell, Lyle and Marianne Mithun. Austin (: University of Texas Press)%
\bibitem{Thompson LC--Kinkade 1990} {\sc Thompson}, L.C., \& {\sc Kinkade}, M.D. 1990 Languages. pp.30--51 in: Wayne Suttles (Ed.), Handbook of North American Indians, vol. 7, Northwest Coast. Washington (: Smithsonian Institution)
\bibitem{Thompson-Kinkade 1990} {\sc Thompson}, Laurence C., \& Dale {\sc Kinkade}, M. Dale 1990 ‘Languages' pp. 30-51 \emph{Handbook of the North American Indians, vol. 7: Northwest Coast.} ed. by Wayne Suttles. Washington, D.C. (: Smithsonian)%
\bibitem{Thompson--Kinkade 1998} {\sc Thompson}, L.C. \& and {\sc Kinkade}, M.D. 1998 ‘«Languages» in Northwest Coast' pp.30--51 in: Vol 17 of Handbook of North American Indians, edited by Wayne Suttles. William C. Sturtevant, general editor. Washington, DC. (: Smithonian Institution)%,
\bibitem{Van Eijk--Hess} van Eijk, J.P., \& Hess, T.M. 1986 ‘Noun and verb in Salishan' \emph{Lingua} 69:\,319--331%

 Post subject: Salish(an) igék
PostPosted: 2010. January 5, Tuesday, 17:29 

Joined: 2005. June 21, Tuesday, 13:56
Posts: 906
Location: Budapest

Nem ismer valaki leírást szalis (Salish, Salishan) nyelvekről? Elsősorban az igék érdekelnének (különösen a reduplikáltak :)) bármelyik szalis nyelvben.
Előre is köszönöm, ha valakinek van ötlete!

(Gugliztam rá, de nem sokra jutottam.)

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