Editorial note

This is the 11th volume of The Even Yearbook that the Department of English Linguistics at Eötvös Loránd University has published in every even-numbered year since its establishment in 1994. The former editor, Professor László Varga, retired in 2013, so a new editorial committee was set up, comprising Mark Newson and Péter Szigetvári.

As always, the volume contains working papers by staff and PhD students of the department. Ágnes Benkő (PhD student) discusses Hungarian front/back harmony, specifically vacillating stems. Tamás Csontos (PhD student) writes about German passive constructions in a framework developed by Newson, the Syntax First Alignment approach. Mark Newson takes another look at Binding, how it can be accommodated in his Syntax First Alignment theory. Péter Szigetvári writes about monophthongs and diphthongs in the current British vowel system. László Varga discusses falling-rising intonation in English.

We would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their work in improving the quality of these papers.

January 2015
Mark Newson & Péter Szigetvári