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The Even Yearbook 2 (1996)

ELTE SEAS Working Papers in Linguistics

András Cser The strengthening of voice fricatives in Germanic 1--8
[ gzipped postscript / pdf ]
Judit Farkas Prepositions in the four versions of Cursor Mundi (How they support the MSS) 9--20
[ gzipped postscript / pdf ]
Péter A. Lázár Breaking new ground. A review of Cambidge International Dictionary of English, CUP, 1995 21--55
[ gzipped postscript / pdf / plain text / ]
Mark Newson The Hidden Subject of the noun phrase 57--81
[ gzipped postscript / pdf ]
Péter Siptár A Janus-faced Hungarian consonant 83--96
[ gzipped postscript / pdf ]
Péter Szigetvári Laryngeal contrasts and problematic representations 97--110
[ gzipped postscript / pdf ]
László Varga Hungarian intonation contours 111--144
[ gzipped postscript / pdf ]
edited by <peter.szigetvari@elte.hu>
contents last touched Sun Dec 10 10:16:23 CET 2006