Welcome to the

Database of British Studies in Hungary


This online database is based on the data collected by the OTKA Research Project Repertory of English Studies, 1772–1982 led by Gizella Kocztur (between 1982–1991). It is a fully searchable database of primary and secondary books, articles and translations related to British Literature.



Ágnes Péter



Bálint Gárdos, Andrea Timár, Réka Tóth, Dalma Véry, Máté Vince



Bálint Kovács


Szövegdoboz: ENTER


The database was created at the Department of English Studies, Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Arts, under the auspices of the British Literature in the Hungarian Cultural Memory Research Project (NK–71770), funded by the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (OTKA). The editors would like to express their gratitude to Gizella Kocztur who kindly agreed to the digitisation of the material collected in her research project.